The cabinet of curiosity is a small nightstand and stool that functions also as a personal cabinet of curiosities. Only the person that it belongs to knows how to unravel it. Because I strongly believe in the sense of cherishing small objects that meant something to you, to be able to reflect on them, to unravel when ever necessary but also being able to put away or even hide it from anyone that it doesn’t belong close to. A sort of diary of objects. For everyone that can’t have a physical person or memory physically there but does treasure one of their belongings, for example for a person that passed away.
When closed it looks like a small stool, that you decide on where you want to place it within your own home. Each Japanese blackened wood layer doesn’t show at first it’s Fibonacci’s layered drawers inside of it. Each drawer from bottom to top increasing in size. On top there’s are two coin-slots one of them to open it up and one of them to even close it in the same principle.

The coin that gives you acces to all its layered drawers is hidden within one of the legs, connected by a magnetic field. As you drop the coin in the outer left hole it, it follow a hidden path downwards, the coin triggers a
motorised & unfold-able leg that unfolds
upwards & downwards to be able to fully
open up the cabinet of curiosity & cherish
your objects with a story a in inspiring
way. Either as a moment of reflection
with yourself when you decide to
open it up & take a deep look.
Or simply closed, and not
reminding or confronting
you with the objects within.
Kept away with great respect
within your own home.
During a collaboration all around the theater festival The Parade I quickly discovered my niche you could say. Freedom & randomness. Since we all dearly love having the sense of freedom at a festival and the Parade is one like no other where that is being represented best.
Due to Covid-19 we’re are asked to pick a route, to plan where we are going next. Visitors have to pre-plan the shows they would like to visit, follow a route, take a pick beforehand... which leads to missing out on that sense of randomness & freedom.
So for every visitor that’s in doubt right now on what to pick, simply can’t chose on what to see, what to visit... & would like to be surprised at the Parade especially in these super scheduled times I’m presenting SNACKTREK. And this is the visual of what SNACKTREK would look like as a whole machine. Each containers is protected by semi transparent glass so that it doesn’t show yet what will be your randomised route on the inside.

The visitor is presented with a parade coin, that they can use to insert into-the SNACKTREK... a machine that surprises you with a route of the day at the Parade. Once the coin is inserted you’ll get to pick which container you’ll open up & which shows &
performances you will get to
be surprised with.
All printed in the shape of a receipt
as soon as you open up one
of the containers, a receipt that
functions as your voucher of
that day. At 2 pm. Loes Luca maybe?
In tent 5 Or Rundfunk at 4 pm.
in tent 2? Or even on where
to grab a bite and have a
small drink. It’s all in the snack
holder. Your personal
surprised snack.
Crowd-management with
a sense of freedom.
While working as a graphic designer for VICE - VIRTUE Amsterdam, first as an intern, later as a freelance graphic designer, I gained of lot graphic knowledge & skills.
All these skills came in handy while working on concept campaigns for numerous clients such as ADIDAS, RALEIGH, FOOTLOCKER etc.
The speed of decision making, visualising concepts but most of all working with a great creative team, made me love it everyday. Not like Mac Donalds I'm lovin it, where you actually end up regretting it all the next day. No, while working at VICE I looked forward to what would pop up next on my desk every morning, always different.
One day I could be working on BERSHKA'S summer campaign, while the other day due to COVID-19 I would be working on visualising & conceptualising a online office chatroulette for VICE - VIRTUE. Where you would get to meet your colleagues worldwide online, switch every 3 min. and simply have a bit of fun.
On a daily base I would be doing a bit magic with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere & Indesign. And it sincerely became magic to me, I experienced and played with visualising things that weren't simply there, not yet... Explained to me on a post-it, send in a 10 page long pdf sheet, drawn on a A4, the creatives were creative also in assigning their ideas & concept & I... I simply didn't mind.
I liked visualising what was only once in someones mind and carefully done research about.

From early on , as soon as started to study In- & Out-Door Design, but also throughout my study at the Design Academy in the department Leisure focusing on social design & its impact. I especially liked working on graphics.
I could spend hours (which became less and less in time by experience) making a presentation, logo, website, image, poster and so on.
As you can probably tell also throughout my work, I might have a certain style, but not a super specific that I also choose to stick to throughout my designs. I like to challenge myself into learning something different every time I create something graphically. In school they kind of like, or guide you to have one specific style, but I see the power in having the knowledge & experience of a bit of everything. In one of my previous portfolio work websites that I built for school, it said as a subtitle 'A Britt of Everything", since I sincerely have a hard time picking one style, one specific field of work where I would fully focus on for the rest of my life. I chose no too, at least for now...but rather focus on experiencing, making, conceptualising a bit of everything. See if that might make it more clear on what I would like to work on in the future?
The answer only is, that I don't where I would end loving to work & specifically focus on continued out throughout my life. I might never know... yet I don't mind :)
For now I like the fact, that as a sort of spider with 8 legs, I can stretch out every leg in each field a bit and make web every direction. Maybe focus a couple of months or even years on one specific part such as graphic design, but also keep the backdoor of product design for example open. By continuing working on that in your spare time.
I can say that my hobby of creative working & making as a child, got to be my subject of study, became my work field & would end being my job in which ever category that might be. I look forward to being 60's and probably still learn from the youth graphically, always evolving, that's what I like about design, its always evolving & I would like to continue evolving as well together with it. A bit of everything.
What goes for working graphically same goes for product design & conceptualising. I sometimes simply couldn't chose on what I loved to work with, so I tried it all, which as a student is great. Within the Design Academy of Eindhoven I got to have to pleasure, of experiencing & working with all sorts of materials, learning by doing.
From wood in the wood workshop, metal in the metal workshop, plastic in the plastic workshop, a silkscreen workshop, a 3D lab, a Digital Workshop, a Photo studio.
You name it...school had it, which for me was like walking into a candy store even without being a kid.
During my Graduation I spent in think in total up to 200 hours specifically within the wood workshop, working on my 'Curiosity Out Of the Cabinet' graduation project.
Which can be seen on top of this page, slide through the images, and see a part of that process, from 3D to renders, to the physical world. And finally as one of graduation projects.
From packaging concept, to light & stool designs, to variations on the skateboard, focusing on balance. I got to conceptualise a product design a lot. Sometimes just being a 3D design made in Blender and then rendered.
To physical molds, materials & shapes & eventually a product design, whether it was a concept or made
for an exposition, exhibition
or for a company
collaboration. I liked
experimenting with
the possibilities of
product design.